The Corruption of Lucy Pt. 02

Lucy sat nervously in the corner seat, she could not believe she was here. It had been a little over two months since the massage, that day when her whole world was changed. She had spent the night in a rage, working out what she would get devoicing Stuart, the video of him and Caroline alone would be enough. She was preparing to rubbish Caroline to their friends, tell them all about the sordid behaviour that she got up to. But after a night's sleep she woke with much of the rage gone, she had dreamt of Hiro fucking her, and it was not an unpleasant dream. In the dream she had been committed to losing her anal cherry with him, wanted him. That dream and his feeling from the night before did not sit right together, she decided to take a couple of days and think.

After about three days Lucy had accepted that she was not the repressed proper housewife that she thought, at least not sexually, there had been too many things about that day that she liked, but she was also sure she was not Caroline, she had no desire to be used like a slut in that way, but the idea of men watching and touching was pleasing. A day or two after that, Lucy had popped around to Caroline's, she knew at the time that Caroline was not in, but Eamonn, her husband was, she wanted a conversation. The start of that conversation had been very awkward, Eamonn had clearly not wanted to reveal anything, but Lucy told him enough, and confessed enough for him to know it was safe to talk. Eamonn told her everything, and it was so much worse than what Caroline had told her, she confessed to liking some of the things done to her, including anal, which she had not yet let Stuart try, actually she had not let him touch her. Eamonn was a good listener and his advice was to take it really slow, and not let it get out of hand, try things then reflect. Then at the end he dropped the bombshell, he had watched the video's from the massage room, including her anal and Stuart fucking his wife.

Lucy did not know what to say, she was bright red, Eamonn had seen her disgrace, but she loved that he had, the conflict in her mind was overwhelming. She confessed then that she wanted to try some of the things again, before she let Stuart, she told Eamonn how mad she was at him for Caroline. Eamonn laughed at her, told her the power was all hers, and that she needed to talk to Stuart, and find out what he actually wanted. Then he jokingly offered to help her with anal. Lucy knew it was a joke, but responded as if he was serious. Offering him her arse in a onetime offer, now.

Eamonn had not known how to take that, and was quite flustered, something very unusual for him, Lucy could see he clearly wanted to take her up on it, but didn't want to look like a prick after all the good advice. So she lifted her skirt revealing her sexy black lacy knickers and bent over.

'Take it or leave it,' she said.

He was with her in a heartbeat, his warm hand on her arse.

'Be gentle, I want to cum,' Lucy said.

Moments later she was over the arm of the sofa, her knickers on the ground, and her legs spread, Eamonn disappeared and returned with some lube. He massaged it into her arse carefully and into her hole, she managed not to clench, but her heart was pounding so hard at the thought of this.

Eamonn gently pressed his cock against her arse, and his more modest cock slipped in easy, she thought his cock was close to Stuart, maybe a little bigger, but we took it slow and gentle all the way, as Lucy rubbed at her clit. This was exciting, this was what she wanted. Once Eamonn was fully in, his thrusting started it was OK, but the force was not there that Hiro had.

'Harder,' she breathlessly said, as her clit flicking picked up.

Eamonn really went for it pounding her, she loved the feelings it caused, just like Hiro, it was so nice, her mind going to Hiro in her, she was so hot, then her climax burst forward, faster than she expected, she shook, and tensed. Like before, when the towel was doing the job, she kept rubbing.

Eamonn was building steam quickly and she was sure he would come soon, but she wanted this to last, 'slow down, don't cum to quick,' she said.

As he slowed the pace, she relaxed into it, thinking about what she was doing, there was no revenge in this, but there was something very poetic that the first anal by choice was Caroline's husband. That made her fanny flutter with excitement, she was loving this, she was sure now, she loved anal, why, of why had she denied herself for the first 42 years of her life. She shuddered, another orgasm coming quickly, she felt her arse clench around Eamonn's cock as she climaxed again. His moan from that was so satisfying.

She had cum once more before Eamonn blew in her arse, and she had felt so pleased as his cum ran down her leg on the way home. Lucy was very pleased with herself, for her entire life she has denied her sexual side, done the things she believed proper, but not experimented. While she had only gone to Eamonn as somebody she could talk to about this, she had ended up doing something spontaneous, which she had been really worried she could not do. She had also done something 'off limits,' again something she needed to prove to herself that she could do. She felt ready to talk to Stuart.

That night she had sat Stuart down and had a long conversation. She had told him everything about her feelings, what she wanted, and confessed to what she had done to confirm it. Pleasingly he had a hard-on after she told him about Eamonn. He had used that to fuck her very hard in the arse, she was sore after, and uncomfortable, and she loved it.

From there they had a few trips out, looking like she did now, revealing herself, Stuart had fucked her with a couple of men watching in the park, and in the pub she had flashed a couple of men, then had pulled her knickers aside to show one her pussy. Then just before closing she had let a man stroke her pussy through her knickers.

Now she was comfortable with being an exhibitionist this was the first real test, this was next level. She was sitting on the tube, there were 20 people in this carriage, and she could not appear to be more of a slut. The 50 something man opposite was undressing her with his eyes, not that she needed much undressing. She had a white thin top on, it was very tight fitting, and was 2 sizes to small so held her big boobs very tightly, her nipples hard and on display, and it had the tiniest strap around her neck and no sleeves. The bottom of the top just touched her skirt, but as she moved it was clear to anybody looking that she had a suspender belt on. Her skirt was tiny too, she had gone and purchased it, just for these outings, it was black, and straight, it came down to about an inch below her pussy, shortest thing she could find. There was skin visible between the bottom of her skirt and the tops of her black stockings, and that meant that her suspender straps were on display where they connected to her stockings. This did one other thing, the straps held her skirt away from her legs when she was sitting like this, meaning that anybody that looked could see her panties. Her panties were black and lacy, there was not much of them, a small amount of see through lace covering her bald pubic area, and then what amounted to a strap that covered her pussy that disappeared into the arse crack.

There was nobody next to either her or the guy opposite, the first person was a lad about 20, three seats down and he was completely engrossed in his phone. She let the guy look her up and down several times her legs shut, then when he made eye contact, she was not sure he meant to but he did, she opened her legs revealing the treasure between. His eyes flicked down quickly to look, then back to her face, she smiled at him, and he looked again. She watched him looking at her pussy, it made her so wet, she felt flutters.

Stuart was standing in the doorway, not close enough to put men off, but close enough to intervene if needed. Lucy wondered what was going on it his mind watching this guy watch her, and even that part of this excited her, made her wetter, especially as she could see that a semi was growing in his pants. She moved a hand and stroked her panties, the guy was watching intently, she could see he was growing too, and he moved his legs to try and hide it.

Lucy moved two finger to the strap across her pussy, watching the guy the whole time, she slipped the strap to the side, and let him see her pussy, his eyes were on storks. Then the train burst out into the station of the next stop, Lucy removed her hands, closed her legs and sat pushing her skirt down. The tube stopped and the lad three seats down got off, but nobody got on to their section. As soon as the train moved again, she opened her legs and replaced her fingers pulling aside her knickers, his eyes were fixed on her pussy.

Lucy slowly, moved her fingers across her lips and seductively parted them, showing him how wet she was, she moved her fingers up and pressed her clit, she moaned, loud enough for him to hear over the noise of the tube in the tunnel, then moved her fingers back down and one slipped into her pussy, she fingered herself with him watching for more than 60 seconds, then removed her fingers and brought her hand back to her mouth, she seductively slipped the finger in her mouth and made a show of licking off her juice. He looked like he was about to cum there and then. The brakes applied jolting the carriage, and they broke into King Cross, she stood, straightened herself and walked to the door, Stuart protectively standing behind her. As soon as the train stopped they exited and lost themselves in the crowd.

She had agree with Stuart that they would stay out of the inner part of the network, within the circle line it would be too busy, and she didn't feel comfortable, so they were going to ride the Piccadilly, Northern and Victoria lines north of Kings Cross.

They stopped in one of the little openings that had maintenance doors in the new section, they were heading for the Victoria line now. Out of the way of the busy thoroughfare Stuart asked, 'You OK?'

'God yes, I am so hot, that was amazing,' Lucy said in a joyous voice.

It was about quarter past seven, they had sat on three rides before the opportunity to do it arrived, as they had entered the fourth tube Stuart had said to her that maybe it would not work. But then on that fourth ride, the carriage was empty their end, and a perfect candidate got on at the stop after them.

'I so want to fuck you right now,' Stuart said.

'Later, we need to find another,' Lucy replied, 'Victoria line to Walthamstow and back.'

They moved off, back into the busy flow of people, and made their way to the right platform. They stood where the back of the train would stop, and when one arrived got on, four people got on with them, after about forty had got off leaving the carriage pretty empty. There were about 10 people left in the carriage. The four that got on, three walked down, and sat along the carriage, but one stood in the doorway, opposite where Stuart planted himself. Caroline sat in a seat two empty seats both side and nobody else until the seat by the next doors. See looked at the guy that got on and was standing, he made her skin crawl. He was about five foot five, had short, slightly greasy looking hair, and a round face, although it was a very warm night, he had a raincoat on.

After maybe half a minute he came and sat next to Lucy. After another 20 seconds he put his hand on her knee, she flinched, but she surprised herself though because she did not bat it away. He left his hand there for about 10 seconds, then very slowly stroked up her thigh, she closed her eyes, because despite the look of him, his soft and very gentle touch on her stockings felt good. When he got to the top of the stocking, he flicked at the suspender, then made his way back down her leg, his fingers swirling about so gently. At her knee he slipped his hand between her knees, and with two fingers pushed her legs apart a little, the indication was clear, and she opened her legs. With the same delicate touch he moved back up her inner thigh, swirling his fingers, and stroking. As his hand got to the top of the stocking and touched her bare skin she moaned. He played in that small section of bare skin between her stockings and knickers, the touch exciting her.

Lucy could feel how wet she was getting, it surprised her, this man was hideous, yet his touch was so soft and delicate, he did things to her she did not expect. His touch moved and so very gently brushed across her knickers, playing there, the movement making her knickers rub on her clit and pussy lips, but he didn't touch them, she moaned, her eyes still closed.

She felt warm breath on her ear, then in a deep sexy voice that did not go with his look at all, said, 'you, are a dirty little slut, your clothes are begging me to rape you, or maybe even telling me you want me to take you.'

Lucy shuddered in delight at the words, and found herself pushing into his face with her head, and his hand with her pussy. He licked her ear, very delicately, and ran his tongue across her face to her mouth where he kissed her, a short but heavy kiss, then he moved back to her ear.

'You want to be naughty I see, I like to punish naughty girls, your tight little cunt and pert arse will wish I had never seen them by the end of tonight,' his words made her moan, made her pussy flutter with excitement.

His hand was now round on her suspender belt, stroking across it, and then following one of the suspenders down to her stockings at the back, she felt it release. His hand came back up her skirt and brushed her clit, one way and then the other, then moved to her knickers at the side, he pulled them down a little, creating some slack. He stroked across them to the other side, and did the same thing, there was now loose material on her pussy, and it wasn't tight any more. His fingers came back to her clit and danced around it, pushing and tightening the skin to make her clit sing to her. She moaned again, her pussy was dripping, but he was taking so long to get there it would have flooded the carriage by the time he did. His fingers slipped under the loose material, and brushed across her pussy lips, she shuddered and moaned, pushing her pussy to his hand, but he moved it.

'Now, now, little slut, don't be too eager,' he whispered into her ear.

The tube braked into the next station, his fingers did not move, and as the train came to a stop, he pressed between her pussy lips, the squelching sound her flooded pussy made loud in the carriage that had just gone silent. Nobody seemed to notice though as the doors opened and over half the people in this carriage left, there were maybe ten people left in it, including the three of them. Once those getting off had cleared the doors a lady about 50 and a bit tubby got on, she was carrying one of those toy dogs, she turned without looking toward Lucy and the sleazy stranger.

Her eyes went wide as her vision settled on Lucy's pussy, semi exposed, with the strangers fingers in it, the squelching noise it was making ringing loud in Lucy's ears. The lady turned around and got quickly off the carriage, walking down toward the next one very quickly. The whole thing making Lucy's pussy run more, if that was possible.

The whisper in her ear again, 'there is another person that has seen what a slut you are, and that you let a man such as I play with your whore cunt.' The words turned Lucy on so much, she wanted him to fuck her, right now, and she pushed hard into his fingers.

He pulled his fingers away, pushing the loose material of her panties into her pussy, soaking in her juice that was so abundant. He whispered, 'again you are too eager, you will be punished for that later.'

His hand moved and two more of her suspenders were released from her stockings, only three left. As the train moved off again, she hand slipped into her far too tight top, the lack of space making it impossible to replicate the delicate touch he had down below. She gasped in surprise as he pulled her tit out of her top, and then did the same with other one. She sat there her tits on display out the top of her vest, he played with one, his delicate touch back, teasing the nipple. Lucy could not believe she was sitting here like this, it made her wetter still, as she looked down the carriage, there were very few people left in it, and most were absorbed in their phones or books. There was one guy though that had noticed and was filming on his phone.

One of the things Eamonn had suggested to her was that she was an exhibitionist, and that she loved being watched. This seemed to confirm that for her, as she saw he was filming the tingles in her pussy grew and she moved her own hand to rub her clit, as sleazy guy groped and sucked her tit. Her orgasm flooded her, she climaxed there, the moan was loud, but the noise of the tube stopped it carrying too far, she shook with pleasure.

He whispered in her ear, 'you have the most amazing tits, they are perfectly shaped, and the size is fabulous, they are like a sign on the front of you that says 'hot slut', but to be honest, you are very pretty, I am surprised you let yourself be used like this.'

As he played with her tits, one of his hands moved down released one of the three remaining suspenders, only the two at the front that had lifted her skirt remained. She smiled at the guy filming and blew him a kiss.

The hand that had unclipped the suspender was now on her pussy, playing with her knickers really soaking them in her juice, but fingering her too, when his fingers were wet, they slipped down and before she knew it there was one in her arse, pushing in a far as he could get it. Lucy loved it, and loved that the guy was watching, she was in heaven right now. She looked at Stuart to confirm she was OK, but his vision was fixed on her arse, and the rock hard cock that was clearly tent-poling his jeans said he didn't care, he was enjoying the show. The train started to slow, and he put her tits away, but kept fingering her arse and pussy. It was a few moments before they pulled into Finsbury Park, but when they did the platform was empty, people in the carriage stood and everybody except the three of them and the guy filming left the carriage.

As people walked up the platform to the exits, a few looked in, an older lady saw exactly what was happening and looked away in disgust, she was clearly not impressed, then a husband with his wife and child looked in, his eyes almost popped out, but his wife had his arm and dragged him out the exit.

'So slut, there is nobody left in this carriage to offend, you will do as I say now,' his deep voice was commanding.

'I will not,' she protested, 'I will do what I want to do.'

He grabbed her, and before she could resist she was over his knee, he held her as she struggled, until she saw it was useless, and what the hell is Stuart doing she thought, he should be stopping this. The guy that was filming moved and came up to sit only two seats away, as her skirt was pulled up to be completely on her back. Then her knickers were pulled down, they moved until they caught on the two remaining suspenders.

'Get off of me, you dirty old man,' she squeaked, but he held her.

'Quiet you little slut,' he said, 'I told you that you would be punished, and this is it,' and with that a hand slapped her arse, hard.

Lucy yelped, pulling her feet off the ground up to her bum to protect it. He pushed the feet down, and quickly another landed, to another yelp from Lucy, as the buzzer went the doors closed. Several more spanks landed, her bottom felt like it was on fire, and she fought again to get away. Lucy was not Caroline, she did not want to be humiliated, she wanted to tease and show herself to others and this felt far too much like one of the fantasies or the hotel with the author that Caroline had described.


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